I have concluded that sitting in a circle of men enriches me. I have been attending since June 1993.
Without reservation I can say my life is positively influenced by Wide Sky Men’s Council.
I observe that other men find great value in Wide Sky Men’s Council.
This moves me to consider myself a stakeholder in Wide Sky– I care whether it lives on or dies out.
Being a stakeholder, for me springs out of gratitude for gifts I receive. I am moved to attend regularly and participate, help cover expenses, provide service (set up, clean up, lead occasionally and help support leader of the month). It also means I am inspired to invite other men to join me at Wide Sky.
Declaring myself a stakeholder carries with it an intention to make showing up a high priority, meaning also that I must stay awake to impediments that can sabotage my commitment.
This becomes important because I’m aware that it’s possible for me to make an unconscious choice to stop taking actions that are clearly in my enlightened self-interest to take.
Ironically in my commitment to this community, I feel a sense of freedom, freedom from ambivalence, freedom to have both feet in and fully show up. There is resolution vs. doubt, clarity vs. hesitation.
Why I show up to Wide Sky:
The wild drumming and the juicy silence that follows;
I get to step into the mystery of the container we build together as a community;
I get to see, hear from, connect with men I care about and respect and learn from;
I get the opportunity to share and be listened to, to be well met;
I get to witness the challenges and triumphs of many men at diverse stages of life;
As a stakeholder, I get to be there for the next man, as men have been there for me for the last 24 plus years.